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Subscription support

You can manage your subscription easily from your subscription dashboard.

Click here to access it.

Need more help? Full instructions below
Simply enter the email associated with your subscription on the manage subscription page and click "submit". We'll then send you a link to access your subscription.

Once you've clicked the link, choose the subscription you'd like to manage by clicking on the "see more details" button. on the subscription you'd like

You'll then see your full subscription dashboard and from here you'll be able to make any changes like skipping, rescheduling, changing frequency of orders etc.

If you received your log in link by email but the link doesn't work.

This is usually a browser issue. Please try clicking the link from a different device or using a different browser.

It can also be because you are clicking an old link as they expire after 7 days. If so, please request a new link here.

If you're still having issues, please drop us an email to team@overherd.uk.

1) Please try and submit your email again, when you click "submit" you should get a message which says "Email Triggered Successfully".
2) Please double check you are viewing the correct email inbox associated with your subscription.
3) Please check your spam and junk folder.
4) If you've checked the above and still didn't receive the log in email, you can try using our old log in page.
5) Still having issues? Just drop us an email to team@overherd.uk and we'll get it sorted for you ASAP.

Some email servers block our email which can cause this.

If you are receiving an error message which says "there is no subscription associated with this email".

This can occur if you've only just created a subscription. If this is the case please allow a couple of hours for it to update on our system, or alternatively click the "manage subscription" button which we sent you in your welcome email.

If you're still receiving this error message, please double check you are entering the correct email associated with your subscription.

Still having trouble? Drop us an email team@overherd.uk and we can help.

If you have referral credit that you want to apply to your next subscription order you can simply apply the discount codes to the "add discount codes" section of your subscription dashboard, which can be accessed here.

When you completed a referral, you should have been sent an email containing a referral discount code. These start in RF followed by numbers.

For the full step by step instructions click here.

Note: you'll only be able to add discount codes up to the value of your upcoming order, e.g. if your next order total is Β£14, you'll only be able to apply 2 x Β£5 codes. But don't worry, you can use any leftover codes on your subsequent orders.

1) To create a new subscription, simply visit our oat milk powder page.

2) Select how many pouches you'd like delivered at a time, and the frequency you'd like your deliveries.

3) Then click the "add to cart" button and checkout as you would normally.

Your subscription is now live and you'll be able to manage it any time you like.

Just drop us an email at team@overherd.uk with your existing and new email and we can switch it over for you! This has to be done manually by us.

You can cancel or pause your subscription easily.

Visit your subscription dashboard and click "cancel" or "pause" your subscription.

You'll also have the option to pause or skip deliveries if you are going away or need time to catch up.

If you choose to pause your subscription, you'll receive no further charges, and it means you can more easily restart it again should you wish to.

If there's anything we can do to keep you, drop us an email at team@overherd.uk and we'll see how we can help.

First access your subscription dashboard here.

Once on your dashboard, scroll down and you'll see the "Product Shipping Info" section.

Click "edit", add your new address and save. After clicking save, make sure it's now selected as your primary address.

First access your subscription dashboard here.

Once on your dashboard, you'll see an option to edit frequency.

This change will only take effect after your next upcoming order, so make sure to check your stated next delivery date after you've made any changes to avoid disappointment.

Top tip: You can choose any frequency you'd like to meet your needs e.g. every X days or X weeks or X months (it doesn't have to be 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 weeks).

First access your subscription dashboard here.

Once on your dashboard, scroll down and you'll see an option to edit your payment details. You should then receive an email with a link to update your payment details.

If your previous order failed and was subsequently skipped, just drop us an email to team@overherd.uk and we can trigger the order again for you.

Billing address is part of your payment information.

To update the billing address, first access your subscription dashboard here.

Once on your dashboard, scroll down and you'll see an option to edit your payment details. Click edit and you should then receive an email with a link to update your details.

Simply enter your payment details with your new billing address and submit.

If your previous order failed and was subsequently skipped, just drop us an email to team@overherd.uk and we can trigger the order again for you.

First access your subscription dashboard here.

Once on your dashboard, click the "order now" button to trigger an order now.

By default your subsequent orders will be rescheduled based on your chosen delivery frequency. Make sure to check the stated next order date to ensure it meets your needs.

If you need any help, drop an email to team@overherd.uk and we'd be happy to help.

If an order has just been placed and you wish to cancel it, please email team@overherd.uk ASAP and we'll do our best to cancel it.

Once an orders has been dispatched we cannot cancel it.

If you accessed your subscription dashboard through the link we sent to your inbox, then you can simply close the window when you are finished. This is because you used a temporary access link which doesn't remain logged in.

If you are using our old log in system with email and password and are struggling to log out, simply clear site cookies by clicking the icon to the left of the URL and deleting site data. Refresh the page and you should now be logged out. We recommend using our new log in system for subscription management without the need for a password.

Just drop us an email to team@overherd.uk and we'd be happy to help.