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10 Oat Milk Memes to Make You Giggle

1. What if soy milk is just regular milk introducing itself in Spanish...

Ok so not technically an oat milk meme but this one is pretty funny.

Oat milk meme 1

2. Oat milk and soy milk coffin dancers carrying dairy.

Oat milk meme 2

3.Β Swear people in Starbucks just say random words like... "can I get a grande mocha no foam quad oat hexagon vortex hypothesis with steamed ice".

Oat milk meme 3

4. Watching the barista to make sure they're actually using oat milk...

Oat milk meme 4

5. Thanks for changing my life! I'm literally an oat milk latte.

Oat milk meme 5

6. Was in a coffee shop in Glasgow & ordered a latte with oat milk. The barista looked puzzled and replied, "sorry we cannae make a latte withoot milk".

Oat milk meme 6

7.Β Cheating on dairy,Β oat milk Friends meme.

Oat milk meme 7

8. Trying oat milk for the first like...

Oat milk meme 8

9. Sometimes I wonder if oat milk thinks about me too?

10. Taking oat milk powder through airport security... an oat milk powder meme.

What's oat milk powder you ask? Check it out here.

Oat milk meme 9
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